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POSITIVE FEEDBACK ONLINE - Goldenote Demidoff Signature
"Hey, I hear you have in a new integrated amp?"
"Yup. It's solid-state, 50 watts per channel."
"50 watt solid-state? Who needs that?"

Fair enough question. Today's consumer landscape is peppered with solid-state amps capable of unleashing hundreds of watts. Why bother with a mighty-mite providing only 50?

Now, this is a sound I haven't heard the likes of in awhile. On first listen, it was clear the Demidoff has exceptional tone. Smooth and warm, big and ripe (careful it doesn't go to fat), it conjures up the record label of its namesake—the fabled Blue Note LPs of the fifties and sixties.
Its second strong suit is robust dynamics. These have uncommon force and weight and are easily stimulated. As far as I'm concerned, you provide these two attributes and you're well on your way.

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